Daito Rock Cityは、大阪府大東市をRockでワクワクさせたい、Rockの聖地にしたいという想いから企画されたRockイベントで、トリビュートバンド、カバーバンド、コピーバンドのフェスです。
合言葉は、Die to Rock!!(ロックに夢中!!)&エコアクションです。
イベント名は、KISSの代表曲Detroit Rock City
そして、Daito Rock Cityを体験した人たちが、楽しかった、このまちに住みたい、住みつづけたいと思ってもらえるようなイベントを本気で目指しています。
「あふれる笑顔 幸せのまち大東づくり」
facebook ページもご覧ください。
Daito Rock City is a music festival of tribute bands, cover bands, and copy bands, established with a hope to make Daito City of Osaka an exciting shrine of Rock music.
“Die to Rock!!” and “Eco Action” are the cries for this event.
The event was named after “Detroit Rock City”, a classic song of KISS, and a committee was organized to realize this Rock event with the name of a city.
Although it is not common in Japan to crown a Rock event with a city’s name, we hope to promote our city of Daito, a feature-less city, throughout Japan as the City of Rock.
Losing the child-rearing generation has been a serious problem in Daito City.
Why Rock? you might wonder.
(First of all, we love Rock music. )
Rock can make you smile, Rock helps you connect with one another beyond generations, and through those new encounters the local community will be energized.
We hope to make Daito Rock City an exciting event so that the people who came would like to live in this city and keep living.
We aim to hold this event with the basic principles of community development of Daito City.
[Daito City, community of happiness filled with smiles]
•Community where you want to live and stay for ever
•Community where you can keep working while raising children
•Community where young people can keep their hopes
•Community where children can grow up carefree
We hope to make an exciting Rock event where people feel happy and smile freely.
We hope that Daito residents also take part in this event and then feel involved in the development of their own community.
Through this event, people of different generations meet and connect with one another, and the community is generated while the construction of child-rearing network is assisted.
The committee members are tightly united to achieve these objectives.